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(meaningful) Translation of yoga sutras of Patañjali

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  1. atha yoga-anuśānam.  (I.1)

    Here and now begins the exposition on practical discipline of yoga which has come down through living tradition.  (I.1)

  2. yogaś citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ.  (I.2)

    Yoga is a state in which Chittavrittis (all activities of mind) become silent.  (I.2)

  3. tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe 'vasthānam.  (I.3)

    In that inner silence the SELF abides in its own form.  (I.3)

  4. vṛtti-sārūpyam itaratra.  (I.4)

    At other times through the process of identification with Chittavrittis, SELF seems to assume the form of whatever happens in the mind.  (I.4)

  5. abhyāsa-vairāgyābhyāṃ tan-nirodhaḥ.  (I.12)

    Through the process of Abhyasa (constant vigilance to watch how the mind functions) and Vairagya (attitude of remaining free from any attachment) one can achieve this inner silence.  (I.12)

  6. īśvara-praṇidhānād vā.  (I.23)

    Also through developing an attitude of surrendering oneself to the presence of Ishwara (innermost higher transcendental SELF) one can bring inner silence.  (I.23)

  7. tapaḥ-svādhyāya-īśvarapraṇidhānāni kriyā-yogaḥ.  (II.1)

    The Kriya Yoga (practical discipline of yoga) involves Tapas (intensely focused action in a disciplined way), Svadhyaya (study that would develop self-awareness) and Ishwarapranidhana (feeling the presence of divine spirit as inner reality).  (II.1)

  8. avidyā-asmitā-rāga-dveṣa-abhiniveśāḥ kleśāḥ.  (II.3)

    Avidya (misapprehension about the real nature of things), Asmita (I-am-ness), Raga (attachment), Dvesha (aversion) and Abhinivesha (fear of death) are the five Kleshas (afflictions).  (II.3)

  9. heyam duḥkham anāgatam.  (II.16)

    Suffering in future can definitely be eliminated (through freedom from Kleshas which lead to suffering)  (II.16)

  10. viveka-khyātir aviplavā hāna-upāyaḥ.  (II.26)

    Clear and distinct (unimpaired) Viveka (discriminative knowledge) brings the freedom.  (II.26)

  11. yoga-aṅga-anuṣṭhānād aśuddhi-kṣaye
    jñāna-dīptir ā viveka-khyāteḥ.  (II.28)

    The diligent practice of different components of yogic discipline removes the inner impurities and brings in the illumination of discriminative knowledge.  (II.28)

  12. yama-niyama-āsana-prāṇāyāma-pratyāhāra
    dhāraṇā-dhyāna-samādhayo 'ṣṭāv aṅgāni.  (II.29)

    Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi are the eight components of yogic discipline.  (II.29)

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